Wednesday 17 April 2013

Progress Update

To create my animation, i used a software called Monkey Jam. Monkey Jam is really easy to use. All that you have to do is set up and open the webcam, open a new layer, and take a photograph for each frame. On Monkey Jam, you can change the frame rate, which effects how fast it plays the images after one another. To set up and new layer on Monkey Jam, all that you have to do is click on the first little icon on the tool bar cross the top of the program window; the one that looks like a blank piece of paper with a little star on the corner of it. To open the camera you have to click on the seventh icon, the one that looks like a little orange cartoon camera. Then once you have that window open, you are able set how many frames thaeach picture with be. This then determins how fast are slow your animation will be. For my animation I took over 400 photographs, at 1 image per 2 frames, to create my 30 second animation. If you were to take an imdividual image for each frame, and set it up well enough, then the aniamtion will turn out smooth and possible like a video recording.

Once I had finished taking photograhps to put my animation together, I then had to save and export in into a movie file, so I would then be able to add on sound, titles and credits. To save and export it, you have to click on file, and then export. It's that simple.

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