Thursday 9 May 2013

Respond to Feedback

After I up finished and uploaded my animation to YouTube and posted it on my blog, i received comments on it. 

All of the comments that people posted were all positive  and people said that said that they thought that my idea was very original and unique. Lots of people mentioned how they liked to music bed and sound effect that I used, and they thought that it was appropriate for my animation; which was something that I was really pleased with. People did give me some points of improvements and comments mentioning the weak points of my animation, which I did find constructive. It was brought up that the quality of the camera that I used wasn't the best, which made the pictures not as clear as they could have been.

Someone else also brought up that they thought that standards of the titles and credits that I have on my animation could have been more professional, and I agree with that. Because I used Windows Movie Maker, it didn't have much of a choice of different styles. If I used iStop Movie, then I would have had a better selection to choose from.

Although I have already used this as example of the type of animation that I want to use, I really like the way that they have used the people and the characters for the credits, with them holding up the names at the end, but still keeping it in with the animation. I think that it is really creative, and if I was to do this again, I would like the show my credits in a similar way to this.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

My Animation

Magic Makeover

This is my final edit of my animation, with titles, credits, audio and sound effects.
The girl who stars in my animation is my 10 year old cousin Ellise. During the production, I was the one who did her hair, her make-ip and nail vanish for the video. We capture the animaion in my bedroom, and used my own clothes for the animation. I wasnt too diffcult to make it look like her outfits were changing when she clicked her fingers, but what I did have to make sure, was that she was stood in the exact same place. I think that I did it well and manged to make it look okay.

Thursday 18 April 2013

Progress Update

After I created my animation on monkey jam, I then exported it to a movie file. I then opened the movie file in Windows Movie Maker, and this is where I added the title and credits, and the sound and audio. To add the video I clicked on 'import video' on the left hand side of the window, then found the movie film of my animation that I made on Monkey Jam. I added the video onto the timeline, and then added a title and credit sequence. To do that, I clicked on the add 'title and credits' button which is also on the left hand side. I then choose the font, the colours and the layout of them both.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Progress Update

To create my animation, i used a software called Monkey Jam. Monkey Jam is really easy to use. All that you have to do is set up and open the webcam, open a new layer, and take a photograph for each frame. On Monkey Jam, you can change the frame rate, which effects how fast it plays the images after one another. To set up and new layer on Monkey Jam, all that you have to do is click on the first little icon on the tool bar cross the top of the program window; the one that looks like a blank piece of paper with a little star on the corner of it. To open the camera you have to click on the seventh icon, the one that looks like a little orange cartoon camera. Then once you have that window open, you are able set how many frames thaeach picture with be. This then determins how fast are slow your animation will be. For my animation I took over 400 photographs, at 1 image per 2 frames, to create my 30 second animation. If you were to take an imdividual image for each frame, and set it up well enough, then the aniamtion will turn out smooth and possible like a video recording.

Once I had finished taking photograhps to put my animation together, I then had to save and export in into a movie file, so I would then be able to add on sound, titles and credits. To save and export it, you have to click on file, and then export. It's that simple.

Thursday 11 April 2013

Progress Update

So as I have changed my idea for my final project from doing a cut-out animation to a pixelation animation, I have to come up with another idea. From doing some more research I found this video on Youtube...


This is a pixelation, and from this i got my new idea, which is called 'Magic Makeover'.
Its going to be about a girl getting ready, but instantly; like magic. I plan to use a software called money jam, as it is a software made to create pixelation animation.

Ive taken photographs frame by frame and monkey jam puts the images together, creating the animation.

Thursday 4 April 2013

Progress Update

After looking at the stage it got to, and the amount of time it took me just to do that short clip, and being aware that the difficulty of managing to get each of the words to flow nicely and to fit audio will be really hard; so from all of that, Ive decided to change my idea. This is because what I am wanting my animation to look like, by the professional standard and the flow of the whole video, I dont think that I will manage to get it done it time.

So this means that I have to come up with a new idea.

During the research that I carried out a few weeks ago, I found that pixelation is much quicker, and if it is done right, it looks really good. So I am planning on changing my animation from being cut-out to pixelation.


Thursday 28 March 2013

Progress Update

When I first started this assignment, I was planning on creating a lyrics video to the song 'Drinking from the bottle' by Tinie Temper and Calvin Harris. But after cutting out of the the lyrics, and props that I needed, I started taking indiviual photographs of each frame, to then later import to windows movie maker and edited the images together with the audio using that.
After have all of my photographs, I started putting together the images on windows movie maker. It took so long just to get a few seconds long, and I used over 50 images just to get about 4 seconds.

Here is a short clip of what I put together of the bottle spinning.