Thursday 9 May 2013

Respond to Feedback

After I up finished and uploaded my animation to YouTube and posted it on my blog, i received comments on it. 

All of the comments that people posted were all positive  and people said that said that they thought that my idea was very original and unique. Lots of people mentioned how they liked to music bed and sound effect that I used, and they thought that it was appropriate for my animation; which was something that I was really pleased with. People did give me some points of improvements and comments mentioning the weak points of my animation, which I did find constructive. It was brought up that the quality of the camera that I used wasn't the best, which made the pictures not as clear as they could have been.

Someone else also brought up that they thought that standards of the titles and credits that I have on my animation could have been more professional, and I agree with that. Because I used Windows Movie Maker, it didn't have much of a choice of different styles. If I used iStop Movie, then I would have had a better selection to choose from.

Although I have already used this as example of the type of animation that I want to use, I really like the way that they have used the people and the characters for the credits, with them holding up the names at the end, but still keeping it in with the animation. I think that it is really creative, and if I was to do this again, I would like the show my credits in a similar way to this.